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Why Are We Not Together (Lyrics):
I want to gouge out my eyes
Each time I see you in their arms.
Those bitches on your laps are nice,
But, baby, I’m a hot surprise.

Why are we not together?
Don’t you see we are birds of feather?
If your heart is not mine,
won’t belong to another.
Would kill all female line
Or would burn you rather.

You know I feel your smell for miles,
Will track you down, quench my desires.
Would do whatever it requires
To feel you in, take down the aisles.

Why are we not together?
Don’t you see we are birds of feather?
I’m perfect for you.
One way or another,
We will end up together,
you know it, my lover.

MARUV - Why Are We Not Together (YouTube відео та караоке)

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